Numerical Prediction Of Cavitation In Pumps

With the increase in power per unit of volume for modem pumps, driven by manufacturing
costs reduction, cavitation becomes more arid more the main limiting factor in pump
design. The classical one-dimensional design rules applied for decades are no longer
sufficient, and for this reason, there is a strong need for more accurate
numerical tools to predict the cavitation behavior of pumps.
An original cavitation prediction method is presented and its results are
compared to experimental data for five pumps of specific speeds from 15 to 125
(775 to 6500 US units). The numerical method introduced in this paper for the
prediction of the cavitation development in pumps is a simplified version of a
previously developed program successfully used in similar cases. Motivation for
this simplification was to allow the program usage during the design process of
suction impellers. The accuracy of this simplified method as well as its usage
as a design tool is discussed.
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Numerical Prediction Of Cavitation In Pumps
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